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luzhou fushun

Luzhou Bio-Chem Technology (Liaoning) Co.,Ltd was established in 1997. The company presently has the capacity to refine 250,000 MT of corn annually. It is located in Songliao Plain - an area abundant in corn, crossing Fushun and Shenyang city, with Yingkou and Dalian port to the south, with good traffic infrastructure, and abundant in coal, electricity and water resources.

The company has a wide sales and distribution network which covers areas including Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, the east of inner Mongolia, north of Hebei, the south of Fujian, Beijing and Tianjin, and it has also set up sales offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Haerbin and Quanzhou. Our products have exported to many countries and districts such as South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan etc.

Tel:  86-413-6102188 (Domestic trade)   86-413-6202051 ( International trade)
Fax: 86-413-6101609                              Email: LZFS@luzhoufood.com
Address: Gaowan Economic Zone of Fushun Economic Development Area,
               Liaoning Province, PRC.            Zip code: 113123
  2009 Luzhou, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.